Lion El’ Johnson and his retinue fallow a rumor hinting the presence of The Fallen on an abandoned manufacturing planet. Upon arrival inside the Manufactorum Primus, a message is cast to their vox channel: “Loyalist dogs… we have come for you”. A blood-curdling screech rings through the facility. The Lion addresses his retinue: “Prepare yourselves, my children, the sons of The Night Haunter have come to greet us.” Will the Dark Angels fend off the psychotic heretics and escape this factory of horrors, or become new flesh ornaments for the 8th?
Custom Mission: Darkness Descends
Special Rules:
- Under The Cowl: Nightlords Once per battle, at the start of any battleround beyond the first, the facility’s power is disabled, bathing the area in darkness. Until the end of the battle round, all attacks that target a Night Lords unit gets -1 to the hit roll. In addition, at the start of the Night Lords’ command phase, roll one D6: on a 3+, for the rest of the turn, Night Lords units gain Prey Sight (+1 to their hit roll).
- Light of the Emperor: Dark Angels At the start of any battle round fallowing the battle round the Under the Cowl ability was used, the Dark Angels may attempt to restore the facility’s power systems. Roll one D6: on a 4+, the power is restored and cannot be shut off again. If the roll is failed, the power remains off and the Under the Cowl ability takes effect for the duration of the current battle round. The power may be attempted to be restored again at the beginning of the next battle round.
Normal Mission Rules: 5vp for holding one or more objectives. 5vp for holding more objectives than your opponent.