Embark on a journey to a galaxy far, far away with our latest blog post, where we dive into an epic Star Wars Legion battle featuring the Grand Army of the Republic vs Rebels. Immerse yourself in the immersive tabletop warfare as iconic forces clash on the battlegrounds of the Star Wars universe.

This Star Wars Legion 800-point game was so much fun to play on a wonderfully cinematic board!

A Star Wars Legion Battle Commences
The GAR had sent an occupying force to an industrial planet on the outer-rim! Advancing through the streets, they came across a bridge connected to several towers within the gap. Little did they know, the Seperatists lay in ambush, biding their time!
They were spotted! Not quite to the bridge yet, GAr spread out and battle lines were formed and the Seps pushed forward! The clones hoped to hold Key Positions...

Star Wars Legion Battle Continues
GAR hoped for a quick pick on the bus with Cody shouting orders to "Bring it Down!" But it would not fall easily. The command bus sacrificed itself as a distraction and unloaded wookies into their midst, clones taking high ground in hopes to evade. As this happened, The seps kept advancing, chipping away at the clones as the Bus fell.
Having achieved a personal victory over the bus, GAR realised the situation was unattainable and began a full retreat, relinquishing the city... for now...
Rumors say they will be back. News travels slow in the outer-rim, but whispers of an empire have begun to make the rounds...